In Collaboration with The Chocolate Factory, Sunnier Days Ahead(SDA) was represented by more than 50 upcoming artists. Through the lens of Prince Palace, SDA is an introduction of a new era of underground and fine arts, and a celebration of our sunnier days ahead!
On May 12th, the SDA show was sparked to bring out conversations among all mediums of art, journeys, and from all worlds.
CURATED BY Prince Palace
Leilah Fortuna @cuca.tats
Isabella Mendoza @isamydoza
Rawnak Rahman @r4wnak
Aya Lam @aya_lam
Cannon Koen @cannonkoen @ckworks215
Marc Ludwigson @marc.ludwigsen
Minjee Hong @honggmade @minjjminjj
Jinchen Lan @slickyaf
Paola Pomarico @_paolapomarico
Atticus Stannard @atticus_ewan
Sim /MLSC @mlscstudio @ifoundsim
Prince Palace @9rince9alace
Dex @pale_b0y
Ace Walker @acetheartist
Chance @badchancebad
Bobby @luckyletterblue
Coco @cocolatex_tattoo
Ian Huang @ianhuangty
Chris @99virtue
Ryan Shea @ryashea
Jaxson @whoatemycheeseits
Donghee Yoo @rovdxx
Mimi Urízar-Ávila @_CA22_ @chapina_agringada
Shango Hyuga @shangohyuga
Jillian @jjillliaan
Riko @gggg9_9gggg
Rebecca Van Houten @r.beccca
Salma Soliman @salmasolimannn
Michelle Mullin @michellermullin
Leah Spitaliere @leahspitaliere
Qiaosen Yang @qiaosenstudio
Savio Zigbi-Johnson @savio.zj
Michael Armento @byarmento
Jae Park @jaeayo
Rouchka Beauquelho @rouchkabeauquelho
Layla @laylaissmacked
Devlin Ebisu @devlinebisu
Ellie Lau @echoguardian
Danny Cappello @fake_mountain
Alexander Bonzulak @alexbonzulak
Siah Prince @siahprince
Allen Frame @allenframenyc
Talia steinman @talia_steinman
Sadie Withers @artsadie @sadiewithers
Alina Nyguyen @hoaipng
Heaven Weathersby @heavenssw
Sang Eun @eunheesang
Liv Pizano @livpizano